The Kidney function is closely related to the nervous system and to the reproductive organs. As wrong eating habits hamper the functioning of the stomach and G.I. tract, inappropriate intake of liquids damages the kidneys and the Urinary tract. Toxins accumulate in the kidneys, particularly when the kidneys are not filtering the blood properly. Symptoms may include back pain, swollen prostate or kidney stones, kidney diseases are more likely to develop among people, especially if they already have high blood pressure issues, heart problems, or diabetes. In this blog, we list some suggestions for keeping the Kidneys Healthy. Incorporate These...
Joint Pain According To Ayurveda: As per Ayurveda, degeneration of joints (primary reason for most of joint pain) is termed as Sandhigatavata. Sandhivata is first described by Acharya Charaka as Sandhigata Anila with symptoms of Shotha (swelling) which when aggravated, feels like a bag filled with air and Shula (pain) on Prasarana and Akunchana (pain on flexion and extension of the joints). As age advances, the influence of Vata Dosha progresses, resulting in the process of gradual degeneration of the body. Sandhigatavata (osteoarthritis) is one of the consequences of this process, which is common in the elderly people. This is one of the major causes of chronic disability, affecting the quality of life. Prevalence...
The body's immune system should always be strong enough to overcome various illnesses and infections, right from the Covid-19, cold and flu. Boosting the immune system naturally is the best solution. Despite the complexities of our everyday hectic lifestyle, there are precautions and tips to ward off the diseases by making your immunity strong. In this write-up, we have put together the best five tips to improve the immune system in the body. Here Are Science And Ayurveda Backed Tips To Build The Strong And Healthy Immune System: 1. Adhering To A Healthy Diet Plan A healthy or nutritious diet...
In Ayurveda, Diabetes is called prameha or madhumeha. Explaining the word, Madhu Meha, the name suggest madhu as in honey or sugar (madhur - sweet ) consumption leading to disease. Ayurveda has a different approach of looking at madhumeha or prameha. It is not only related with sugar consumption only but also associated with combination of other unhealthy habits namely: Sedentary lifestyle - sitting in one place or office for hours Curd- high consumption of curd Sleeping all day- sleeping throughout day increases kapha in body leads to madhumeha as it is kapha vaat disease. Sugar and jaggery consumption on...