News — Yoga Asanas

Daanika Sawhniey
Decoding The Secrets Of Pranayam

Decoding The Secrets Of Pranayam

Pranayama is a Sanskrit term that refers to yoga deep breathing that helps to boost our energy, relieve stress, enhance mental focus, and improve our overall health. In western countries, the word 'breathwork' has recently been coined to describe these breathing exercises, also known as pranayama. Pranayama is a fusion of two words: Prana and Ayama. Prana means "breath," while Ayama means "expansion, length, and control Pranayama is believed to help you manage your inner strength,  according to yogic beliefs. The physical forces of light, heat, magnetism, and energy are likewise personified by prana in yoga. The potential of pranayama...

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Daanika Sawhniey
Yoga Asanas

The Healing Art Of Yoga Asanas

Derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Yuj’, Yoga means ‘to join’ or ‘unite’. Yoga is a spiritual discipline harmonizing mind and body for healthy living. Before you jump into obscure recognition of Yoga, know that it is a never-ending dispute among Yogis and scholars about its origin and evolution. But it is widely believed to be an immortal cultural outcome of the Indus Valley Civilization.  Yogic Scriptures vs. Modern Science The intellectual Yogic scriptures depict Yoga as the fusion of individual and universal conscience that synchronizes the balance between human and nature. If an individual experiences this fusion within him/her, he/she...

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